Foxy Punk89
Foxy Punk are collection of 1,000 randomly generate NFTs that are living in the blockchain. But the supply will decrease from time to time. Each Foxy Punk have their own unique and rare collection that you can find in the BNB blockchain.
Foxy Punk NFT are not only a NFTs, but they have also a unique personality and rare collection from each NFTs that have produced / created. If you have supported Foxy Punk89 from day 1, do know that our 1st generation of Foxy Punk89 which were pixel art, are our own rare animated pixel!
Limited Foxy
Any Foxy with a background is limited Edition, this 3 example limited foxy with the background
Rare item
will be mint 30% from total supply
100% is yours
You can do anything with your Foxy, once you adopt our foxy you are become breeder Foxy. You also can sell your foxy with your own price.
Our top hodler
Acapmoon - 13 Foxy
Bos_gaurus88 - 6 Foxy
nurxfiqmuhd7 - 5 Foxy
Progress Foxy Punk
Minting #01 - #100 Foxy PunkFloor Price 0.02BNBSupport other creatorsCollaborations with other ArtistGive away to the holders and followersSpecial edition Foxy Punk #67 - #70 collaboration with Caffe get free smoothie benifit for the first buyer only
Minting #101 - #177 Foxy Punk
Floor Price 0.04BNB
Support other creators
Collaborations with other Artist
we will update time to time
If you are interested on purchasing Foxy Punk89 NFTs, feel free to click at the P logo :)